Friday, July 25, 2008

WOW - What a summer!! Arlington Heights, Il

Hello everyone -

So, I thought that by doing a blog I would possibly keep on top of it and it would serve as a better source for people to see what's going on with Just Ware It!, me and what's new with my designs. Well...........not so much! What? Did I really think that just because I created a blog that I was all of the sudden going to be one of those people who stayed on top of it? For those of you who know me - you're getting a good laugh right now and I don't blame you.

Anyway, I am posting now and wanted to share some fun photos from my "artfair season" thus far. It has truly been a blast! My new word for the summer is "Schlepper" - the artfairs in Chicago through Amdur Productions had a basket of name tags for "Helpers" so my neice Kiley and I rummaged through the basket and saw nametags with such terms as "the banker", "the other half", "the better half", "along for the ride", "assistant" and then...........there it was - "SCHLEPPER". I knew instantly it was the ONE we had to have and that I really needed like ten schleppers in my life that could help me with everything. (Thanks to Amy Amdur of Amdur Productions for the great name tags and one of my new favorite words!)

Well, now that you know what a "Schlepper" is - I have some pictures of my wonderful schleppers from the various artfairs this summer and a few pictures of the beautiful areas where the artfairs were located etc... hope you enjoy the pictures.

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